Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Agenda 11/22/11

1. Bell Task: Discuss the various goals and accomplishments of the different farmers groups.
2. Discussion: Grangers, Farmers Alliances, Populism
HW: Finish Reading Chapter 19: Exam Thursday Next Week
NHD Deadline #3 Due Tuesday

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Agenda 11/9/11

1. Exam Chapter 17
2. Fill-In the Blank Test will be Monday next week.
3. HW: Read the beginning summary and conclusion to the Chapter 18
Also, Do a dialectical journal for 2 sections in Chapter 18 (your choice)
Be able to explain why you chose it and relevant connections to present day.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Agenda 11/7/11

1. Bell Task: Was the industrial age good or bad for average workers? Explain
2. Discussion Chapter 17:
a. Competing Views on Capitalism
b. Immigration, Workers, and the Industrial Age
3. HW: Exam Chapter 17 Wednesday
Objectives Online

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Agenda 11/3/11

1. Discussion 17: The Impact of the Industrialists
2. HW: Reading: The Gospel of Wealth
Outline the Reading in Dialectical Format (Separate Paper)
We will conduct Socratic Seminar Tomorrow.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Agenda 11/1/11

1. Bell Task: Using the given excerpt. Take notes using the dialectical journal format. (See excerpt on screen).
2. Discussion: The Industrialists: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
3. HW: Finish Chapter 17 and Vocab